As I grew to know more about my birth mum, I realised some of the stresses she must have been under and although the whole reunion experience was fraught with complications, I was still glad to have some insight into where I fit into the scheme of things. There were people I resembled and I finally had a sense of history and connection and knew, even if superficially, that I had been loved and wanted as a baby...not as a child tells themselves, unwanted or useless.
It's amazing how we hold on to those early impressions which sear into our very souls and how many years it takes to 'unlearn' the early lessons of rejection.
Slowly, through both loving relationships reflected back and a growing understanding that I was created by a loving heavenly Father, have these impressions been faded back and a sense of value and self worth has eventually replaced those scars. It is surely, a lifelong journey, bit by bit.
So to make a long story a little shorter, I embarked upon a journey of my own to investigate the depths to which many people like myself are affected by these things, in order to express some of these emotions & thoughts in paint.
This I have attempted in a series of around 20 works which have been exhibited twice here on the Sunshine Coast and now 15 of them are featured in my new book alongside other fellow adoptees and a couple of mums who have bravely shared their own journeys, including singer David Campbell and actor Ian Smith from Neighbours, as well as the Professor and Head of the School of Theology for Charles Sturt University. Adoption really does touch a variety of lives!
I hope that as people s read these stories and reflect on these images, that it may help them discover some measure of comfort or connection, to know that we are not alone in struggling through these things. Many feelings such as abandonment, isolation, depression, inferiority are certainly not unique to being adopted.
It is part of being human to experience these emotions, but it's about the choices we make with them and what we can learn from these experiences that can make a difference in the person we become.